Sunday, May 29, 2011

We are part of the problem

We met with Nina Mayorek (center, arms on table), a Jewish woman who moved to Israel from Poland when she was 19, married, had three sons, and got her degree in biology. Over the years she became involved in organizations that worked with Palestinians eventually joining Machsom Watch, a woman's organization that goes to checkpoints to call attention to the mistreatment of Palestinians by Israeli soldiers.

Her message to us - that in order for things to change, our government needs to stop supporting the occupation - made us realize that we are part of the problem and that until we hold money hostage to our official position against the continued expansion and building of settlements, the Israeli government will not stop. And unless the Israeli government stops building settlements on Palestinian land, a solution to the conflict is not possible.

The response of the US Congress (j.e. standing ovation) to Netanyahu's s speech was hugely discouraging to Israelis working for peace.
Nancy Baumgardner

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